Show posts tagged:

Optional arguments with getopt_long(3)

I recently had a minor task involving changing an option - on one of our command line tools - from taking a required argument, to taking an optional argument. This should be easy they said; just change the respective option struct to take an optional argument, add a colon to the optstring, and get on with your life. Well, it proved to be easier said than done. My initial expectation was that a solution similar to the one below should just work.

Posted by Lars Erik Wik
August 13, 2021

CFEngine 3.18 LTS released - Extensibility

Today, we are pleased to announce the release of CFEngine 3.18.0! The focus of this new version has been extensibility. It also marks an important event, the beginning of the 3.18 LTS series, which will be supported for 3 years. Several new features have been added since the release of CFEngine 3.15 LTS, in the form of non-LTS releases. In this blog post we’ll primarily focus on what is new in 3.

June 24, 2021

CFEngine 3.12.7 and 3.15.4 released

We are pleased to announce two new patch releases for CFEngine, version 3.12.7 and 3.15.4! These releases mainly contain bug fixes and dependency updates. Changelogs As always, you can see a full list of changes and improvements in our changelogs: 3.12.7 Changelog for CFEngine Community 3.12.7 Changelog for CFEngine Enterprise 3.12.7 Changelog for Masterfiles Policy Framework 3.15.4 Changelog for CFEngine Community 3.15.4 Changelog for CFEngine Enterprise 3.15.4 Changelog for Masterfiles Policy Framework Please note that the Enterprise changelogs contain only changes specific to enterprise.

June 8, 2021

Collaboration and sharing - Our plans for 2021

As we’ve hinted at before, 2021 will be a big year for CFEngine. In the summer, we will release CFEngine 3.18 LTS. This is the first LTS release with Compliance Reports, Custom Promise types, and all of the other improvements we’ve made over the past year. Collaboration In addition to implementing valuable functionality for our users, we are focusing on better ways of interacting with them, and more opportunities for contribution, collaboration and sharing.

April 15, 2021

Comparing Ansible and CFEngine

Generally speaking, CFEngine and Ansible can be used to solve the same problems, but their approaches are different. In this blog post I’d like to discuss the different approaches, their consequences, some advantages of each tool, and even using them together. CFEngines autonomous agents CFEngine works by installing and running an agent on every host of your infrastructure. It is distributed, each CFEngine agent will evaluate its policy periodically and independently.

February 25, 2021

cf-remote is now available via pip

cf-remote is a tool for downloading and installing/deploying CFEngine. It automates a lot of the things you have to do before CFEngine is actually installed on your infrastructure, such as provisioning cloud instances, downloading CFEngine installers, copying them to remote hosts and installing / bootstrapping. To make it as easy as possible to get started with cf-remote and CFEngine, it is now available on pypi. Getting started Installing cf-remote is as easy as:

February 11, 2021

Introducing GitHub Discussions for CFEngine

We are excited to announce that CFEngine is now using GitHub Discussions. GitHub Discussions is a feature of GitHub repos, and similar to Q&A platforms like Stack Overflow, and other online forums. After testing it out for a few weeks we are pleased with how it works and want to encourage all our users to try it. We hope this fuels more discussion and sharing among CFEngine users - it is easy to discover on GitHub, many of you already have GitHub users, the UI is nice, and so the barrier to entry should be very low.

February 1, 2021

How to implement CFEngine custom promise types in bash

This blog post will focus on the bash programming part of implementing a promise type. To understand what custom promise types are, and how to use them, you should read the introduction first. To implement a custom promise type in CFEngine, you need a promise module. The module is an executable, and can be written in any language. It’s possible to write one from scratch, but to make it as easy as possible, we decided to provide libraries for common programming languages.

January 29, 2021

How to serve policy from a local git server

Several months ago I started the practice of using CFEngine Enterprise and its Mission Portal UI on a daily basis to manage the connected devices in my home. To start, I brought up an old desktop machine, cfengine-hub, to use as my hub and downloaded Enterprise, which is free for use up to 25 hosts. The next step in using best practices is to deploy policy from a version control repository.

Posted by Craig Comstock
January 19, 2021

CFEngine 2020 Retrospective

2020 is nearly over, and we’d like to take a couple of minutes to reflect on our year as well as provide a sneak peek into what you can expect from us in 2021. Although it has been a year full of distractions, the CFEngine team has continued to make significant strides when it comes to product improvements and new features that help our users. Build powerful compliance reports based on important inventory data Compliance reports are high level reports, allowing you to see how compliant your infrastructure is.

December 16, 2020